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The Practice Nurse Project - End of Project Report

General Practice (GP practice) forms the cornerstone of primary care in England. GP practice is for most people the first and most commonly used point of access to the NHS, with nearly 300 million GP practice consultations a year (Department of Health 2008).

There are 123 GP practices across Derby City and Derbyshire County, and four Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) serving a population of just over a million people. GP practices range from single-handed to multi-partner practices. The GP practice nursing workforce in Derby City and Derbyshire County is estimated (from the latest Census), to be in the region of 455 roles, to include: Nurse Practitioners, Practice Nurses, Triage Nurses, Treatment Room Nurses, and Health Care Assistants. The number and range of staff in GP practices has increased. For example, the number of Practice Nurses nationally, rose by 44% between 1997 and 2007 (The Information Centre 2008, Table 4).

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