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About us

Our Mission
To represent and support general practice, to ensure that GPs are properly valued, and their skills properly utilised; and that, while serving the public, they are able to uphold appropriate standards of practice, and enjoy a standard of living commensurate with their profession, commitment and training.

Position of Influence
Derby and Derbyshire LMC has a major role to play in the provision of primary care and offers a unique position of influence within the NHS. With 100 years of corporate intelligence and memory. We are very experienced in a wide range of GP practice issues - if in doubt, contact us.

Your LMC can signpost you to a range of support services for levy paying practices 

For more information about what DDLMC is and does for you click here.

Chairperson: Dr Merryl Watkins

Treasurer: Dr Peter Holden

Medical Director & Interim Chief Executive: Dr Ben Milton

Practice Liaison Officer: Hayley Scott

Executive Assistant PA: Bethany Hagan

Accounts Administrator: Alexandra Bevis

Liaison Support Officer: Lily Southern