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A recent poll of more than 1300 GPs found:

General Practice is in crisis. Patient safety is at risk.

Monday 21st March 2022, saw the launch of the BMA & GPDF funded campaign, Rebuild General Practice; with a clear call to action for UK and devolved Governments: rebuild General Practice or put patient safety at increasing risk. Nearly 9 in 10 GPs fear patients aren't always safe at their surgeries.

  • 7 out of 10 GPs feel the risk to ‘patient safety’ is increasing.
  • GPs cited staff shortages and too little time for appointments as the main factors putting patients at risk -
    • 86% of GPs stated they didn’t have enough time with patients
    • 77% of GPs said GP shortages were putting patient safety at risk

The Rebuild General Practice campaign comes at a time of ‘crisis’ when appointment numbers are peaking post-pandemic, while GP workforce numbers are on the decline.

Get involved

Your support to amplify these messages will help raise the alarm and ultimately secure a better working environment for both GPs and patients.

General Practice can like and share the @RebuildGP campaign messages on social media using the hashtag #RebuildGP.

Visit the Rebuild General Practice and download campaign assets below. Practices are encouraged to use this content to share within their networks, publicise to patients and meet with their local MP.


Rebuild General Practice







Upcoming events

Please note we are moving address as of week commencing 3rd April 2023 to 

RTC, Kelvin House - Second Floor, London road, Derby DE24 8UP

Telephone: 07908554089 for DDLMC and General Practice queries only.

Connect with us

Working for GPs

We represent and support general practice, ensuring that GPs are properly valued, and their skills properly utilised.

We make sure that while serving the public GPs are able to uphold appropriate standards of practice, and enjoy a standard of living commensurate with their profession, commitment and training.

Our position of influence 

Derby and Derbyshire LMC has a major role to play in the provision of primary care and offers a unique position of influence within the NHS. 

With 100 years of corporate intelligence and memory, we are very experienced in a wide range of GP practice issues – if in doubt, contact us.