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DDLMC Weekly Update 29/06/22



We Need Your Help

In view of increasing pressures on GP practice recruitment and retention, the LMC and the CCG are seeking the practices support in understanding if the minimum wage versus real living wage is a factor in staff retention particularly due to the increasing inflation and cost of living.

Please complete this survey Link to Survey to help us understand current issues, we have asked for practices to include their practice name in order that we can understand the rationale and offer any support if needed.


Feedback on Advice and Guidance Available to GPs

We are gathering feedback from users of the existing advice and guidance tools currently available to clinicians from consultants in Derbyshire (e-RS advice and guidance and Consultant Connect).

We would be grateful if you would take a few minutes to complete the survey which will help us understand what works well and any suggestions on what could be improved.

We have a tight turnaround for this and would appreciate if this could be completed by COP 13th July 2022.

Thank you in advance as we know you have limited time.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Sarah Redman sredman@nhs.net or Bernie O'Donnell b.o'donnell@nhs.net



Networking Events for Practice & PCN Managers

DDLMC & GPTF are jointly hosting two half day networking events for Practice & PCN Managers. These will be split across North and South of the county.

SOUTH EVENT Derby Conference Centre (7th September 2022) 12.30-16.00 lunch included.

Derby & Derbyshire LMC: Event details: DDLMC/ GPTF Practice Manager Face To Face Networking Events (North)

NORTH EVENT Bakewell Agricultural Centre (28th September 2022) 12.30-16.00 lunch included.

Derby & Derbyshire LMC: Event details: DDLMC/ GPTF Practice Manager Face To Face Networking Event (South)

Both will offer the same content, so please attend any location convenient to you.

The purpose of the event is to provide an opportunity to network, provide mutual support, share good practice as well as a short educational session. Registration is open, please save the date to your calendar. The agenda will be circulated as soon as we have confirmed speakers.

We are holding three webinars listed below. The webinars will be held via zoom. Please click the event links below to register. If you have any problems with event registration please contact us at ddlmc.office@nhs.net

Practice Liaison Team Contact Detail Update

Please see contact numbers below for the Practice Liaison Team:

Susanne Croll – Practice Liaison and Contracts Officer 07983568374

Hayley Scott – Practice Liaison Officer 07908554089

All queries should be emailed to ddlmc.office@nhs.net

Susanne and Hayley are happy to attend your Practice or PCN meeting.


Expression of Interest - GPTF Training and Development Non-Clinical, Reception, Admin & Practice Management Trainers

We are inviting Expressions of Interest to join a small team of individuals that can design, develop and deliver training for our General Practice workforce. This will include non-clinical roles such as admin, reception and management.

GPTF already has an excellent track record delivering our Practice Management Induction and Step-Up Practice Management programmes. We hope this provides an exciting opportunity to expand to other admin and non-clinical workforce roles which adds to our portfolio of clinical education and training.



# Respect Violence Prevention & Reduction Awareness - Hosted by Craig Barrington ( Violence Prevention & Reduction Lead )

Craig is employed by UHDB and has been commissioned to develop a system approach to violence prevention and reduction across Derbyshire. Craig is looking for practices that can host him, with a display stand, and covering the topics below.

If you are interested in hosting Craig in your practice please contact craig.barrington@nhs.net . Craig is hoping that local Police will be in attendance at these events.

The events will be an open forum for free discussion covering :

Understanding Triggers for V&A

What constitutes V&A

What can we do to reduce V&A

Training Needs

What support is there if I’m a victim of V&A

What can we do if I’m a victim of V&A ( Police involvement & localised actions /repercussions against perpetrators)


Alert - Fraudulent COVID-19 Vaccine Passes and Access to Vaccination Data

Potential fraud risks have been identified as a result of an investigation which may or may not be relevant to your organisations. The risks relate to organisations who are part of the national programme for COVID-19 immunisation. We are aware that nationally individuals are inputting false data onto systems in order to provide fraudulent covid passes. We are aware of users still having access to systems months after concluding their work on the immunisation programme and also that staff have shared log in details across teams.

The identified risks are -

  1. An employee may share their log-in details, or use the details of another member of staff, to access the organisation’s point of care system, e.g. National Immunisation and Vaccine System (NIVS), NHS Immunisation Management System (NIMS), Pinnacle or equivalent. This could result in fraudulent entries or the altering of vaccine records. This activity would be attributed to the original user, therefore making it difficult to determine who was responsible for the entries made.
  2. An individual may access the organisation’s point of care system after their role at the organisation has ceased. The individual is able to access the system from any location due to its web based interface. This could result in fraudulent entries and alterations being made to vaccine records, including the generation of false vaccine passes.

Could you please confirm whether or not the risks are relevant to your organisation and action as requested within the alert. Where appropriate, could you please distribute this alert to the Vaccination Programme Lead.

PCSE – GP Practice Monthly Update

GP Practice monthly update - June 2022 (pcsengland.co.uk)

NHS numbers for people coming to the UK from Ukraine

We wanted to confirm that people coming to the UK from Ukraine will already have an NHS number as these flow from the visa process. Please ensure you search for an existing NHS number e.g. at the point of GP registration, taking care when translating names from Cyrillic to English text. There may be some exceptions, due the circumstances of an individual’s arrival in the UK, where a new NHS number needs to be requested.

Historical Statements and Open Exeter Update

We have been informed by NHS Digital that you can still access and download historical practice statements on Open Exeter until the Sunday 31 July. Further information and guidance can be found on Open Exeter - NHS Digital.

The NHS Pension Scheme Retirement Guide for GPs and non GP partners, found here, explains the six key steps of the process NHS Pension Scheme members whose pension contributions are administered by PCSE need to follow if they wish to claim NHS Pension retirement benefits

NHS Pensions Update Training - 22-0069

The session will cover the main areas of the scheme as well as more of a deep dive into some of the operational elements. We will explore ways in which practice management staff can gain an understanding of the key principles of the scheme.

To book click here: PCDC Events portal

GPTF DERBYSHIRE – Wraparound Support for Derbyshire General Practice

Practices do You Have a Newly Qualified GP Working in Your Practice?

You may be eligible to join the New to Practice Scheme please visit our website for more information.

Join Our Team

GP Colleagues,

  • Are you looking for a new challenge to complement your clinical work?
  • Would you like to help support your fellow colleagues in Derbyshire general practice?
  • Would you be interested in informing and improving the work of GPTF?

GPTF are looking for enthusiastic and skilled GPs to join our team in delivering general practice support across Derbyshire.

We'd love to hear from you, whether you have limited capacity or infinite hours, for a variety of projects and programmes.

Please read the accompanying documents for further information and to indicate your interest.

Join the Team - GPTF Retention  

Expressions of interest EDI fellows _ network leads.docx


BOOK NOW: DEN Sessions

We have a new Derbyshire Education Network (DEN) session available to book. This is a free event, held virtually via Zoom. See further details below.

Topic: Children’s Safeguarding Training

Date and Time: Wednesday 10th August 2022 13:30 – 16:30

Speakers: Dr Ruth Bentley, Dr Sandra Ives, Dr Jeremy Gibson

Session Objectives:

  • Legislation and guidance (national and local)
  • Effective interagency working
  • GP practice environment
  • Personal qualities
  • Think family and vulnerability
  • Identify abuse and neglect
  • Respond appropriately
  • Clinical vignettes

Register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Have you completed Britain's Healthiest Workplace survey?

We hope you agree that it is particularly important to think about our mental and physical wellbeing at this time, given the amount of change that we are all experiencing.

That’s why we, alongside our colleagues across Joined Up Care Derbyshire have signed up to take part in Britain’s Healthiest Workplace, the UK’s largest workplace-wellbeing survey powered by Vitality. We’re encouraging all employees to take part to understand, maintain and improve your health and wellbeing, and to help us understand how we can better support you in doing so. The information you provide will be vital to help us identify priorities over the next year and beyond.

You can access the survey here Survey (medallia.eu)

Who is your Wellbeing Champion?

One of the ambitions set out in the NHS People plan is to encourage all organisations to roll out a network of Wellbeing Champions. There are many benefits to your organisation including improving employee morale, reducing absence rates and supports in building a healthier and more inclusive culture within practice.

We would like to support you with the implementation of this role and have attached simple handout to inform and guide you on finding and implementing your Wellbeing Champion.

Health Improvement Advisor

Bookable appointments with our Health Improvement Advisor are available for every primary care site with a health improvement advisor to visit in person or virtually.

They will be able to distribute specialist knowledge, raise awareness and promote local and national initiatives to improve wellbeing within your teams.



Free CPD – follow the links to find out more and book your spot!

Derbyshire General Practice Nursing Conference 2022 – GP Task Force Derbyshire 28th September 2022 08:30 – 16:30

South Derbyshire Virtual Job Speed Dating 12th July 2022 18:00 – Onwards

North Derbyshire Virtual Job Speed Dating 5th July 18:00 – Onwards

PM Webinars 2022

Webinar 1 – July 12th 13.00-14.00

Click here to register Derby & Derbyshire LMC: Event details: PM Webinar - Skilled Worker Visa (Tier 2 process) held via ZOOM

Tier 2 Sponsorship process (The skilled worker visa)

During this session we will cover

  • The Skilled Worker application process
  • Hints and tips
  • Tina Hall (PM at Horizon Healthcare) will be sharing her experience and how Tier 2 International Graduates have helped their practice.

We ask that if you have any questions that you email these into the office ddlmc.office@nhs.net so we can cover as much as possible in the webinar.


Webinar 2 – September 13th 13.00-14.00 NHS Complaints process update

Click here to register Derby & Derbyshire LMC: Event details: PM WEBINAR: NHS Complaints Process Update

The NHS complaints process has recently been updated and our Committee PM – Kerry Martin will be talking us through the changes.

If you would like to share some complaint examples to discuss during the session please let us know by emailing ddlmc.office@nhs.net please ensure the examples are non-identifiable.

Webinar 3 – Tuesday 8th November 13.00-14.00 Maximising dispensing income and PA process

Click here to register Derby & Derbyshire LMC: Event details: PM WEBINAR: November Maximining Dispensing Income and PA Process

This webinar will cover

  • How to ensure you are maximising your Dispensing and PA income
  • Hints and tips that will help you maximise your practice income.

This webinar will be presented by two of our Committee PMs – Tor Siddall and Julie Chaplin.

UHDB – Calling All Leaders in Primary and Secondary Care.

What does 'System' Leadership mean to you?

Do you know who to engage to move things forwards?

Can you put a face to the name of the Clinical Leaders in Secondary Care?

All of the answers to these and many other questions will be waiting with a free lunch included at a primary and secondary care engagement event being held on:

Date: Thursday 14th July 2022 Time: 13:00 – 17:00 Venue: Main Lecture Theatre, Education Centre, Royal Derby Hospital, Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3NE For further information or to book a place, please contact Gail Wandless – gail.wandless@nhs.net


Rebuild General Practice: 3 ways to show your support

Help us build awareness of the crisis facing general practice. Your support to amplify the message will help make the campaign a success. Here are three ways to get involved.

  1. Sign the ‘Letter to my patients’

Hundreds of GPs have already signed an open letter to our patients - showing them that GPs are on their side. To add your signature, simply email hello@rebuildgp.co.uk with your full name.

  1. Use #RebuildGP

Follow and share content, news, and updates on the campaign Twitter page

  1. Access campaign materials

Contact your LMC for more information and to access campaign materials.


To see all vacancies available, please click here.


Derby and Derbyshire LMC Ltd

Heritage Gate, Norman House, Ground Floor, Friar Gate, Derby DE1 1NU

Telephone: 01332 210008 Email ddlmc.office@nhs.net


Supplementary information

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