Our Mission
To represent and support general practice, to ensure that GPs are properly valued, and their skills properly utilised; and that, while serving the public, they are able to uphold appropriate standards of practice, and enjoy a standard of living commensurate with their profession, commitment and training.
Position of Influence
Derby and Derbyshire LMC has a major role to play in the provision of primary care and offers a unique position of influence within the NHS. With 100 years of corporate intelligence and memory. We are very experienced in a wide range of GP practice issues - if in doubt, contact us.
What is DDLMC?
Your LMC can signpost you to a range of support services for levy paying practices.
Find more information on what DDLMC is and can do for you:
Meet the Team
Derby and Derbyshire Local Medical Committee (DDLMC) is an independent organisation with a statutory obligation to represent the interests of all Derbyshire NHS General Practitioners. We comprise of:
A democratically elected group of grassroots GPs passionate about supporting the diverse interests of local GPs and surgeries.
A highly skilled and trusted operational team supporting and acting on behalf of the committee and providing rapid, responsive, relevant support to all our practices.
Below you can find out about the people that make up DDLMC, or jump to each section using the menu on the right.
Operational Team

Dr Ben Milton
Medical Director & Interim Chief Executive

Alex Bevis
Accounts Administrator

Beth Hagan
Executive PA

Hayley Scott
Practice Liaison Officer

Lily Southern
Practice Liaison Support Officer
Derby and Derbyshire Local Medical Committee (LMC) has a major role to play in the provision of primary care and offers a unique position of influence within the NHS.
With nearly 100 years of corporate intelligence and memory:
Derby and Derbyshire LMC serves as the link between levy paying GPs and their sole national negotiating body (GPC).
GPC is a standing committee of the BMA, with 86 members (43 of whom are directly elected representatives of LMCs).
GPC meets monthly and is guided by policy decisions determined by the LMC Annual Conference of Representatives of LMCs.
More than 300 LMC representatives from across the country attend annual and special conferences to debate motions which reflect local GP concerns and aspirations.
Individual GPs can influence policy through the LMC.
Resolutions are referred to the GPC to consider and implement.
We believe in the principle of voluntarism.
For over 100 years Derby and Derbyshire Local Medical Committee (LMC) has always believed in the principle of voluntarism and our levy has always been a voluntary one ever since our inception in 1913. Interestingly, although it has the legal power to impose a statutory levy, it has fought strenuously against invoking it.

Value for Money
The track record of the Derby and Derbyshire LMC for wise financial management is recognised throughout the LMC world in the United Kingdom. The LMC Officers seek continued support for its longstanding financial policy of maintaining at least one year’s...
The track record of the Derby and Derbyshire LMC for wise financial management is recognised throughout the LMC world in the United Kingdom. The LMC Officers seek continued support for its longstanding financial policy of maintaining at least one year’s operating costs in reserve. Derby and Derbyshire LMC was highlighted in the 2004 University of Sheffield study into the structure, function, and financing of LMCs. That study indicated that Derbyshire LMC is one of the most innovative, cost effective, value for money LMCs in the United Kingdom yet has a relatively moderate cost base. On a national level Derby and Derbyshire LMC is regarded by the GPC as being in the Premier League of LMCs for the quality of its work even though we are only medium sized.
Does the levy actually cost GPs anything in reality?
DDLMC has chosen to ask for a voluntary levy contribution from its constituent practice. 104 out of 112 practice currently pay the levy which is based on an amount per patient. This is reviewed annually. It is a tax-deductible expense...
DDLMC has chosen to ask for a voluntary levy contribution from its constituent practice. 104 out of 112 practice currently pay the levy which is based on an amount per patient. This is reviewed annually. It is a tax-deductible expense and is also considered in practice expenses calculations by the Doctors and Dentists Review Body (DDRB) This resource funds the office and officers of the LMC. It also funds GP representation at various committees across the Derbyshire system. DDLMC also contributes part of its levy contribution to fund the national negotiating committee (GPC) through the GP Defence Fund (GPDF) which supports national negotiations regarding general practice and the legal advice required for this. This rate is set by GPTF and is based on an amount per total patient population, not just levy paying practices.
Collection of the levy
The method of collection is through a GP practice mandate which authorises Derby and Derbyshire LMC to collect the LMC levy on a monthly basis deduction.
Reserves Policy
It remains the policy to keep on reserve one year’s operating costs in case the current mandate system were to become disrupted or simply to ensure that there is enough funds in reserve to enable Derby and Derbyshire LMC to...
It remains the policy to keep on reserve one year’s operating costs in case the current mandate system were to become disrupted or simply to ensure that there is enough funds in reserve to enable Derby and Derbyshire LMC to continue and improve its service to meet the needs of its constituents.
Increasing the levy
To increase the levy requires a resolution of Derby and Derbyshire LMC. As a matter of principle Derby and Derbyshire LMC officers prefer to give 6 month notice of an increase although it only has to give 3 month constitutionally....
To increase the levy requires a resolution of Derby and Derbyshire LMC. As a matter of principle Derby and Derbyshire LMC officers prefer to give 6 month notice of an increase although it only has to give 3 month constitutionally. If and when there is a need for an increase Derby and Derbyshire LMC will look for the customary solidarity traditionally demonstrated by Derby and Derbyshire General Practice on this matter where over 90% pay the levy.