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Local Medical Committee - Development Session - 2 February 2017

2017 - Development PowerPoint.pdf
2017 - LMC Development Session Pictures and Questions - Questionnnaire.docx

February 2017

As part of the ongoing modernisation of the LMC, we feel it would be helpful to show the human face behind the LMC i.e. all of you!

At the Development Session, we would therefore like to create some visual resources including all of the LMC reps. These will promote the LMC as a brand by showing off the representatives of the LMC, and the benefits of being part of LMC, both as an individual member and a levy-payer.

We will therefore be taking photos throughout the afternoon and will be asking for a few individual photos.

These will be used for the new website, case studies, and for social media.

We would like you to think about the attached questions, and find some one-line / short answers that will be engaging and spread on social media when photographed as a quote alongside a picture of you.